Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Summers spent outside of gas stations, sucking on slurpees
*illustration: Stripmalling, idon'

Hey Winnipeg: get ready for the big screen. Jon Paul Fiorentino just sold the rights to Stripmalling, his graphic novel set grimiest of Winnipeg suburbs, Transcona*.

The story’s hero, Jonny, is a drug dealer who dreams of becoming a writer, but is stuck living in his car outside the gas station he works at. Making the working-class neighbourhood his muse, Fiorentino also fictionalized the area in his collection of poems, Transcona Fragments. And when the the borough is re-imagined on film, Fiorentino will co-write the script.

Fiorentino skipped town years ago for greener pastures in Montreal, where he teaches writing at Concordia. But he didn’t leave without causing a bit of a stir on the Winnipeg literary scene.

Back in 2005 Fiorentino called out a couple of other Winnipeg writers in an interview with the city’s alt-weekly, Uptown. Of Chandra Mayor, whose novel Cherry he edited, Fiorentino said, “Chandra’s never given me enough credit…Actually, I wrote Cherry.”

Then he pulled Winnipeg poet and artist Clive Holden into the mud, adding, “Both Chandra and Clive wouldn’t have careers without me.”

No word yet on whether there’s a note of sarcasm we were supposed to catch, or if the film, which was bought by Philms Pictures in Montreal, will be shot in Winnipeg.

But cross you’re fingers Winnipegers.

This could be your close-up.

*Other note-able nobodies from the area include former VJ Bradford How and professional Paris Hilton look-alike Natalie Reid


tony said...

i'm crossing both my fingers

J said...

Clarification: That was meant to be pure sarcasm. It probably didn't translate that well in print. Clive and Chandra are two of my favourite writers and I adore them. I was honoured to have worked on their books with them and honoured to have Clive as a publisher and editor on Transcona Fragments. I have learned a lot of both of them as artists and friends.

-- Jon Paul

J said...

I mean: I have learned a lot FROM both of them as artists and friends.