I have to say something.
Everyone has chipped in their two cents. I have been trying to avoid the response to this cover all day. But it's everywhere. It has engulfed me. I have been reading the columns, articles and letters with one eye closed, pretending that if I don't indulge in it, the hype will go away.
It won't. And maybe it shouldn't. The purpose of this cover was clearly to be thought-provoking, but it has ended up shit disturbing. Everyone has pulled out the PR stops and condemned the illustration in an attempt to avoid bad press.
What this has me asking is, how is this possibly such a big deal? Have we not spent the past two US presidential terms mocking the cocaine-snorting, trigger-happy, rednecked Texan sitting in the White House? The Comedy Network has pretty much survived on Bush jokes over the past few years. Before that late night talk shows dedicated half of their air time to billy-blow-job jokes. Why is Obama so taboo?
It's because he's black. And because of that comfy baritone voice he has that makes everything seem like it's going to be okay. It's also because he's undeniably likeable, and we don't want to laugh at his expense. And because people want to believe he's going to make some sort of a change, and they think anything (even a joke) could hurt his chances at becoming president.
Obama's a big boy, I'm sure he can take a joke. Is this tasteless? Arguably. A great illustration? Not by a long shot. Is it funny? Probably, as long as we can remember we're allowed to laugh.
If I could offer Remnick some advice while everyone whines about his publication, it would be to remember that if you're not pissing anyone off, you're probably not doing anything worthwhile. And no apologies please. Stick to your guns. You're the New Yorker, you'll do what you want.
you are so good!
you are so good!
It's going to sell a truckload of magazines, why wouldn't they do it?
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