Who knew people still went to raves?
I thought that raves died out after the kids on Dawson's Creek stopped going to them. Turns out I was only half right. The raves of the mid-90s are dead. All the abandoned warehouses where they were held have been turned into condo buildings and all the early ravers have got office jobs or have moved on to harder drugs and softer parties. The sales of fun fur, candy necklaces and water bottles may never recover.
Since then I have discovered two kinds of raves: darkraves and club-raves. Last year I stumbled upon a darkrave full of gothic pill-poppers dancing in a scuzzy bar on top of a Shopper's Drug Mart. I made jokes about it for at least a month; but I have to say, if the darkrave crowd is one thing its friendly. No one even made fun of me for my lack of studs and eyeliner.
This weekend I found out about another type of "rave". Suburban gangsters from all across the GTA met up at the Guvernment entertainment complex on Monday for a blend of dub, house, electronic. Someone even died of an apparent overdose on "herbal extacy", a drug I didn't know existed. All connotation aside, the Guvernment is a handsome club. And I found a room with paisley red walls and some decent electronic.
I won't write the night off, but there won't be many more "raves" in my future.
And really what better did I have to do on a Monday night?
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