Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Market mayhem

The kitten stretched its jaw of necklace teeth. We swore we heard it whisper out a call for help. Too close to the chopped off chicken feet to believe he was to be sold as a pet, we slipped digits in his cage and fingered at his fur.

The necks cranked backwards and feathers waterfalled over the cages of birds left living. We snapped photos of the snowy puppies and continued on our way through the crowded market.

Past fluffy soft pajamas Minnie and Mickey winked worries they were headed to the chicken’s fate. The flower shop floated spheres evergreen, towering magic guard above flowers faux and dying.

Thirty-two flavours of thread stitched its way into classic Hanbok looks. Fresh fish swam in crusting tanks, reflected in vintage mirrors. We watched coffee drip into our take out cups, hailed a cab straight to dinner.

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