Saturday, June 11, 2011

The kids don’t stand a chance

My students have no filter, say what’s on their minds. They comment on me in the same breath as unseen figureheads, no shame in where the statement lands. It’s ugly bad teacher, big nose, and funny clothes. Alternately, it’s nice eyes, very handsome, kind Russ Teacher. Depends on what they want.

Each term I call or sit down with each student for a chat. I end each talk with this: do you have any questions about class? Then yesterday, I got the best response. Laura looks at me with a baffled grin and spouts, “Teacher, WHY do you always wear the same pants??”

So self-esteem flies up and plummets down. But just one hour later, my upper-level students have a debate. It was whether boys and girls should have separate schools, but they wanted to switch the topic.

To what? Why Russ Teacher should stay in Korea. And just then, for one class, the esteem floats to an all-time high.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

My students all think you're VERY handsome. If you teach middle school for a day you would have a ridiculously inflated ego.