Friday, June 03, 2011

The King Fish

To the Koreans, the King Herrang is a Mountain Fish. So the tale goes, it spends 15 days a star over top a mountain, another 15 in the sea. Little sister Science makes a separate claim: that they live in the deepest, darkest depths of outer sea.

Either way, hide tide sometimes brings them up, all bloated and dead. So one is stretched out across the aquarium, long enough for 30 men to hold. We marvel at its length before moving on to cuter fish.

The penguins waddle past, diving down and swimming past our gaze. Crabs crawl up the glass walls of their cage. The Neon Golby dart in and out of the bushes out front their home, their long, thin bodies giraffe heads cut at the base of the neck.

As the seal nose hits the last ball in the show, the children swarm all around. And before we’re caught up in all of it, we slide through the exit, back into the land of adults.

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