Thank you for playing SCRABBLE® at SUBWAY® restaurants. Our records show that you were eligible to win a $5 SUBWAY® Cash Card, but incorrectly answered the mathematical skill-testing question (STQ).
When we initially administered the skill-testing question we used the words "divided by" in the middle of the equation which we believe may have confused some contestants. We have since changed how the STQ is displayed on the SCRABBLE® at SUBWAY® restaurants Promotion website, and would like to offer you the opportunity to answer the question as it is now displayed. If you answer correctly, you are eligible to win a $5 SUBWAY® Cash Card.
In order to answer the STQ, please click on the following link:
You have until midnight on June 9th, 2009 to answer the STQ. If you answer correctly, you will receive instructions on how to claim your prize.
SUBWAY® restaurants
*I am so bad at math that even Subway pities me.
Update: Just received a new e-mail from Subway: Congratulations Russ! You’re a winner of a $5 SUBWAY® Cash Card! You correctly answered the skill-testing question in the SCRABBLE® at SUBWAY® restaurants Instant Win Game! Way to go!
Except, I didn't. I didn't even make an attempt. Either someone did this for me, or Subway really pities me. Regardless, score! I should always crowd-source my problems.
that degree your aiming at must have some fine print pertaining to a minimal amount of mathematical prowess. Fucking PEMDAS russel.
We had a single day of math-reporting, and it was mostly filled with snickers and jokes and failing grades.
I can somehow make sense of annual reports, but the PEMDAS?! Formulas? No way.
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