Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Saturdays with Jeanne

"The week's tour de force was undeniably the underwater fantasy concocted by Alexander McQueen," Ms. Beker writes in Saturday's Globe. And though I wasn't in Paris, sitting on a patio in Montreal with my afternoon paper, I have to agree. Deep breaths, McQueen. Swoon.

The sun is bright, the air is cold, and so is my beer. Skipping over the Nobel Peace debate I make my way to fashion pages to read about the week that was across the pond. Galliano, Viktor, Rolf, Gaultier, Jacobs, and McCartney, the laundry list of names reads. And amongst them a Canadian known more for communications than couture: Rogers.

Married to the third, she's a philanthropist and fashionista, and apparently made a stir in Paris, Ms. Beker writes.

An uber-glam blonde with Dolly Parton hair, crystal-studded sunglasses and a gargantuan black skirt has captivated the camera crews outside the big tent at the Tuileries Gardens. “Wow! Who is she?” a German reporter asks.

Suzanne Rogers, the woman helping bring Oscar back to Canada. We'll thank you for that later, Ms. Rogers, but for now, enjoy your moment. Dolly Parton hair, and all.

And I'll enjoy my beer, paper, sunny afternoon, and wait to see what you turn up in next week, in Toronto.

Until then.

Suzanne Rogers, via Twit Pic @LisaTant
Underwater, under beer
Afternoons in orange
Sweet, sweet, sweeter, sweenter
Time to get lost again


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