Friday, August 15, 2008

Where you live always looks better in photos.
The week in random:
Do you remember Orbitz, that drink Cher & D drank on Clueless (the short lived TV version) with the gelatin balls floating in it? If not, here is an overview of the drink Rolling Stone magazine called "the hot drink of '96." 

This week the Queen West Hug Tree fell down posing the question: If a tree falls on Queen St. and there's no hipsters around to hear it, does it make a sound?

A group of Ontario residents have started a petition to end the monopoly the LCBO has on beer sales. If there was ever a cause to get behind, this is it. 

Here's a video of what is possibly my favourite interview of all time:


I'm all for patriotism but this is a little much:

Enjoy a random weekend my friends.


Alex said...

holy shit, do they still make orbitz???

Russless said...

Naw, Clearly Canadian cut the drink after a year or two.

hali hamilton said...

Oh my god, Orbitz! I begged my dad to buy me a bottle then felt bad when it tasted like shit.

Vaneska said...

Let's petition to bring Orbitz back.