Friday, May 27, 2011

Return to the cat café

A brown striped cat stretches his legs out, his lazy frame spanning two feet. The venetian blinds let in late afternoon, their shadows an echo of stripes underneath his purr. The paws of a fluffy white cat dangle over a table on the other side of the room. A third, thin haired cat bats at a toy ball.

We’re back at Gio Cat, a cat café in Hongdae. Three women are sitting, knees bent, in the centre of the room. They are wearing floor-length grey cotton skirts provided by the shop. Cats are crawling all around them, jumping towards swinging toys, and climbing up a carpet covered pillar to the roof.

If your apartment says no pets, sister has an allergy, or mom hates animals, this is where you go. It’s near dinner time and we just sat through a thirty minute wait at the door. All day people swing in and out of the shop, snapping pictures and playing with the cats.

We tour the room, stopping to meet every cat. On a place card laid out we learn all their names. When our drinks are done we wash our hands to leave. But before we go we shoot a look back to the brown striped cat. He is still deep in greedy sleep, happy as they come.

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