The most romantic lovers to be recreated in the 90s.
Every Tuesday this summer Futureshop is showing free movies in Dundas Square. Last night we showed up for the 4th edition to see Baz Luhrmann's Romeo & Juliet. Considering I was eight when this movie was released, there was a lot I didn't catch the first time around. Like the fact that Romeo was hopped up on ecstasy when he met Juliet. Of course he loved her, he was on drugs. He probably also loved the way his hands felt when they touched his face.
Seeing a movie outdoors was fun, it was kind of like an urban drive-in. It would have been even more fun if Jack Astor's patio wasn't playing such bad music so loudly. There is nothing like watching two lovebirds commit suicide while Rihanna blasts over a tacky empty patio. One more reason to avoid JA's.
However, the night was a success. Genna got to relive her first kiss, and I got Oreo Yogenfruz. Plus, the movie offered an important lesson: if Romeo and Juliet had been out watching a movie with friends instead of chasing love, they probably wouldn't have died.
People were generally annoyed with our banter.
The first kiss.
The crowd was, erm.. diverse. We almost offered this woman $20 and a pack of cigarettes for her sequin blazer.
You don't thrift enough anymore!
You should know as well as any that VV is a hotbed of sequins and sparkles.
I spent the whole weekend thrifting! all my ff threads were VV. Plus I hit up spots in Winnipeg and even Oak Bank! hah.
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