Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Not another "Did you like the Sex & the City movie?" conversation.

The Sex & the City movie taught us all sorts of things. 50 is the new 40. TV shows can make blockbuster hits. D&G makes ugly belts. Patricia Field needs a new job (Payless will do). And finally, you probably should have just stayed home and watched the box set of DVDs. But I want to take a step back and remember something the TV show taught me: why baseball rules. 

Baseball games are one of the only places it is socially acceptable to be wasted during the middle of the day. Plus there are lots of exciting things to watch once you are hammered on $8 beers. Idiots will be screaming louder than you (depending on your personal level of idiocy and intoxication). Thanks to facepaint someone will always look sillier than you (hopefully). And baseball games usually end early, so there is plenty of time to take a nap before you head out for the evening. 

In the vain of baseball and beer, I stumbled across a new blog this morning. Its called Drunk Jays Fans. It has hilarious stories, incoherent ramblings and a load of cheap shots at whoever the bloggers are currently blaming the Jays failure on. What more could a sports fan ask for?

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