Friday, July 04, 2008

Urban picnic. (all you can ask for is friends and rum).

Wednesday was the opening of Fringe. We saw a philosophical poet rant about the shopping mall for an hour. It was the gospel according to Jem Rolls, titled How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Mall; a clever play off on a classic film title. 

Finally a play about how the mall is such a scary place. The message was clear: the world is on a downward spiral, and it's pretty much our fault. Ever notice that despite the baby boomers 1960s counter-culture revolution, everything is pretty much their fault?

At least that's the way I'm going to spin it. 

My solution: screw Harper, Obama and Gordon Brown. Next election everyone should vote for Baby Suri. I hear she's secretly L. Ron Hubbard's kid. I'm sure she'd make a great leader.

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